Essa é a história da fotógrafa da National Geographic Annie Griffiths Belt: ela conta como carregou dois filhos pelo mundo, junto com o marido, durante toda a vida, trabalhando como fotógrafa da NatGeo, nos lugares mais incríveis do planeta.
É de morrer de inveja também...
É de morrer de inveja também...
In this charming and captivating volume, National Geographic photographer Annie Griffiths Belt discloses the secrets of a peripatetic life, revealing in often hilarious detail how she managed to juggle two children, bulky cases of camera equipment, and everything needed for a nurturing family life as she traveled to far-flung destinations around the world.
Belt shares intimate moments, lessons learned from other women and men she met, and all the fun and heartache of the experience. Her quirky sense of humor and many touching stories will delight and excite readers who are making and maintaining career decisions for themselves and their families.
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